The Lonely Week

It always stinks when Nathan is out of town.  We have some pretty good daily and weekly routines we follow, but when he is gone, I have a hard time keeping up with all that.  I sleep late, I end up  going out with friends more instead of cooking at home, and I don’t make it to the grocery store when I should.  I’m trying to work on all that, because traveling is a big part of what he does.

This week, we had just returned from New York and met up with a bunch of our friends for a mini-celebration of our engagement on Monday night. By Tuesday morning, he was off to work with a percussion ensemble in Missouri and to adjudicate a competition out there. I spent my Tuesday in a training session, but finished that up in time to meet a couple of friends for a Body Pump class.  We messed with each other a good bit during class and spent the whole time laughing.  That’s when you know you’ve had a good class.

I knew I was going to be in a rush to fit everything in on Wednesday night, so after class, I took some time at the grocery store to make sure I was set up for the rest of the week.  When I got home, I baked a couple of sweet potatoes, made a big batch of red quinoa with shallots and salsa, and threw together some black bean hummus to snack off during the rest of the week.  I had one of the sweet potatoes and some quinoa for dinner and hit the sack pretty early.

After work on Wednesday, I hit the track to do mile repeats.  I managed to do 3 at under a 9 minute pace and still have enough left in the tank to run a full mile cool-down.  I ran home quickly to shower and heat up the leftover sweet potato and quinoa before I headed to an 8:15 PM facial appointment.  It wasn’t the most convenient time for a facial, but the expiration date for the certificate I had was the end of February, so I felt like I had to squeeze it in some time.  I wasn’t sorry!  Stewart at Jade Aveda spent a good 30 minutes moisturizing, exfoliating, steaming, and clearing my skin.  It was a super relaxing way to finish the day, so I had no trouble falling asleep when I made it home.

Thursday and Friday flew by at work, but I managed to get in dinner with some good friends on both nights. I wasn’t feeling great on Thursday, so I decided to take care of myself and not run. On top of all that, I made some killer slow cooker gluten free apple cinnamon oats for the office breakfast on Friday. By the time Saturday rolled around, I was thankful for the chance to sleep in.  In fact, I spent the better part of the morning in bed.  Around 1:00, I met some girlfriends for a 5 mile trail run.   The run was tough and fun, and the 6 hours we spent drinking, eating, laughing, and chatting after that was less tough but even more fun.

Sunday brought my long run.  I had originally planned to do between 10 and 12, but after Saturday’s run, I thought 8 would be sufficient.  Once I got out there, I felt pretty good, so I decided to push it to 9.  Unfortunately, my legs got really tired about half a mile after my turnaround point, so I ended up walking a lot of hills after that.  But, I got in the mileage and that is all that matters, right?

I spent the rest of my Sunday getting things organized for the week and getting ready for Nathan to get home.  I put together an awesome veggie curry and cooked up some brown rice before I left to pick him up at the airport.  We enjoyed a bowl while we caught up on the week and started talking about wedding plans.  I’m always glad when he comes home!

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